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Reiki is a method of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes natural healing. It is based on the idea that all living things have a special energy flowing through them called life energy. When your life energy is high, you'll feel strong and confident, relaxed and centred. When life energy is low, you may feel tired, be more easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness. Reiki is of Japanese origin and comes from two words - Rei and ki. Rei means universal spirit or Higher Power. Ki refers to the life energy that flows through all living things. The Reiki system was designed to connect consciously with this spiritual energy. Whilst spiritual in nature, it is nonreligious and promotes balance, healing and well-being. A treatment can provide a radiance that flows through and around you, treating the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, enhancing relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. It is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement.
Dr Mikao Usui, a Buddhist scholar, was the founder of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki system in the late 1800s. Usui seemed to have dedicated his life to helping others and, when facing some personal and financial difficulties, went on a 21-day retreat on Mt. Kurama. While meditating on the retreat he had a miraculous spiritual experience that gave him his ability to heal others and to pass this gift on to others through attunement, and led him to create his style of Reiki. He used this knowledge to establish the Usui Reiki Healing Society.
In Sanskrit, chakra means disk or wheel and refers to the energy centres in your body. These wheels are spinning energy and each correspond to certain parts of the body and emotions. For optimal function, your chakras need to stay open and balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra. A reiki session can balance these energy centres and corresponding physical or emotional imbalances.
There are seven main chakras that run along your spine;
Once comfortable, I, as a trained Reiki Practitioner, will lay my hands (directly on, or slightly above, depending on preference) in various positions on your body which allow the free flow of Reiki energy to pass through. Close your eyes, relax and tune into yourself. Let go of any expectations of specific outcomes, surrender any energy that is no longer serving you, and be open to receiving whatever comes to you. Everyone’s Reiki experience is different so there’s no way to determine what you will feel. You may experience some temperature sensations ranging from hot to cold in the head, hands, chest, knees and feet as well as arms and legs. You may experience sensations such as a tingling, vibrational buzzing, numbness, heaviness, or goose-bumps. You may feel a deep sense of relaxation and you may feel a release and shed a few tears, or feel like laughing. You may have specific visualizations or have the sensations of wind blowing or waves of air or water like energy through your bodies or feel lightness. You may feel sleepy and yawn as energies soothe and calm emotional tension and stress. Remember that some people may not experience any sensations at all. This does not mean your session did not work and your experiences may become deeper the more you continue with reiki. Trust that you will receive what is right for you at that point in time.